Die meisten unserer Anri-Figuren sind aus den Jahren 1975-1995.
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Die Firma Anri kreiert seit fünf Generationen Holzskulpturen her, welche weltweit bewundert und gesammelt werden. Die grosse Kenntnis der Hölzer und ihrer Charakteristiken beim Bearbeiten ermöglicht es, daraus unterschiedlichste Kreationen in bester Qualität herzustellen. Jedes Holzstück hat eine eigene Struktur. Dadurch ist jede Schnitzerei einzigartig. Alle Figuren werden von Hand finalisiert durch Meisterschnitzer, mit Liebe und Präzision, wodurch sie zu unverwechselbaren Kunststücken werden.
Über die Jahrzehnte haben diverse namhafte Künstler für Anri gearbeitet.
Geboren in Barcelona. Poet, Künstler, Illustrator und Autor von Kinderbüchern, bekannt für seine symbolhaften und einmaligen Weihnachtskarten.
Ferrandiz receives his basic artistic education at the Academy of Fine Arts, and was Art Professor at the Industrial University while devoting himself to the design of figurines based on his special predilection for childlike themes.
His subjects include various small animals, such as cats, dogs, mice, rabbits, squirrels, birds, lambs, always united as symbols of fraternity in harmony with the innocence of childhood. The complete opus of Ferrandiz is to create a world of love, of comprehension and of poetry where hatred is banished and where pease is the one message which unites people from all over the world.
Born 1911 in Stuttgart, Germany, during his life Helmut Diller has amassed a wealth of experience as a portraitist, landscapist and wood sculptor. His perfection in anatomy as well as natural poses are demonstrated in all of his creations, such as eagles, flamingos, deer, stag, antelopes, gazelles, buffalos, leopards and other animals of prey, as well as the domesticated animals, cattle and horses. Many of his works have been chosen to represent the World Wildlife Fund. He died 1984.
A housewife in a suburb of Sidney, Australia, Sarah Kay had always been fond of drawing. She had studied at an Art Academy and at the age of 20 she had started working for an advertising agency. The designs which brought her great success, however, were made during a period of great anxiety: her little daughter, Allison, was badly ill and to distract herself, Sarah Kay began to draw. She designed happy children in a peaceful environment like the one she had known herself on her grandparents farm. The overwhelming success of her designs may be due to the fact that they remind people of their own childhood. Sarah Kay's designs are magnificently converted into wooden figurines by Master Sculptor Ulrich Bernardi.
Born in Karlsruhe/Baden, Gunther Granget is considered by critics and by collectors to be one of the world’s finest living sculptors. At the age of 11, the war took away his father, mother and brother. His father had taught him to love nature and to gather inspiration from it, and Gunther Granget had soon developed his interest in figurative creation. His first medium was china, a noble and fragile material obtained from earth and fire. Then he discovered another material, which warmth and naturalness enchanted him immediately: wood. As the true artist he is, Gunther Granget considers his life to be a constant development where learning is the essential part.